Here's what Cris writes about her 2013 double CD release:
'Pray, Tell' is an antique phrase, basically meaning, 'do tell!' The word 'pray' embodies a kind of humble entreaty, encouraging communication. In that respect, I put the metaphorical bucket down in the metaphorical Well, pulled it up, and these pieces - most of them new - were in there.
'What began as a 12-song CD turned into a double CD of 24 songs. It's my hope that these songs will offer a space where the sacred can appear, where we may all be of One Mind, One Heart. I believe there is a deep mutual kinship, a consonance living in all the various forms of spirituality. This is what I pray. This is what I tell.'
1 Sanctuary
2 Jai Yen-Yen
3 Between
4 Miracle
5 Sleeping Tigers
6 A Way To Go
7 Light and the Eye
8 Hope-Feathered
9 Grateful
10 Shine
11 Hand On You
12 Carry The One
1 On and On
2 The Singing Bird
3 Invocation
4 The Little Boat
5 Holy Spirit
6 Sailor
7 Morning Glory
8 Lighthouse
9 Larks
10 In Dreams, In Sleep
11 The World Turns Tonight
12 Dancing Star